The Best Bed Sheets for Summer Heat: A Guide to Cool and Comfortable Sleep

Table of Contents

  • The Evolutions of Bedding
  • Factors to Consider When Buying the Best Bed Sheets for Summer
  • Various Types of Bed Sheets for Summer

The Evolution of Bedding

Summer heat envelops the world in its warm embrace, bringing both delight and discomfort. As the sun's intensity rises, outdoor adventures beckon, while the air shimmers with waves of heat. While beaches and cool treats offer respite, the sweltering temperatures of summer remind us to stay hydrated and seek shade, embracing the season's energy and taking caution against its sizzling touch. And, as we all know, the summer heat can often make getting a good night's sleep a challenge. One of the essential factors in ensuring a restful slumber during the sweltering summer months is selecting the right sheets. The type of bed sheets you choose can significantly impact your comfort level, temperature regulation, and overall sleep quality. But first, let’s discuss the evolution of bed sheets to better understand what makes the best bed sheets for summer.

Throughout history, humans have developed various strategies and technologies to regulate their body heat during sleep, particularly when faced with temperature extremes. The evolution of these methods reflects our ingenuity and adaptability in ensuring a comfortable and restful night's sleep.

In ancient times, people used animal skins and furs as bedding materials to provide insulation and warmth. These materials helped trap body heat and shield individuals from cold temperatures. Similarly, some cultures used plant-based materials like straw, leaves, and grass to create bedding that offered both insulation and ventilation, helping to regulate temperature.

While the material itself helped trap heat, people began adjusting the number of layers they used for bedding based on the weather. In colder climates, individuals would add more blankets or furs to retain heat, while in warmer conditions, they would reduce the number of layers to prevent overheating.

Sleeping Arrangements were (and still are) another aspect to consider when sleeping. Sharing body heat through co-sleeping, where family members or individuals slept in close proximity, was a common practice in many cultures, as this helped conserve warmth and foster a sense of community. In warmer climates, people often chose to sleep in separate spaces or outdoors to take advantage of cooler nighttime temperatures.

As time went on, bed designs evolved into elevated beds or platforms to keep sleepers away from cold or damp surfaces on the ground. These beds also allowed for better air circulation, helping to regulate temperature. And overtime, textiles like wool and linen became popular choices for bedding due to their natural insulating and breathable properties. Wool, for instance, can regulate temperature by wicking away moisture while retaining warmth. In some cultures, silk was used as a luxurious and temperature-regulating bedding material. Silk's natural fibers help keep the body cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.

Some of the easier solutions for cool sleeping was simply opening a window or door. Ventilation was often employed to allow cooler nighttime air to circulate through sleeping spaces. Opening windows and doors created a cross breeze that helped maintain a comfortable temperature. As time went on, bedding technology began maturing into things like electric blankets and heated mattresses which provided localized warmth during cold nights. In addition, cooling pillows and mattresses with materials designed to dissipate heat have also been created to combat overheating during sleep.

And lets not forget the most recent (and simplest!) bedding technology – Kitelinens Stay-Tucked Sheets. Our sheets are designed with dual side-slits that allow air to flow while you sleep (and let you sneak your feet/foot out if you wish). They are also 100% cotton, giving you that natural moisture-wicking benefit. The patent-pending design and top-tier materials make Kitelinens the best option for superior sleeping

Factors to Consider When Buying the Best Bed Sheets for Summer

Be sure to consider these factors when selecting your bed sheets for hot nights and explore some of the best options available on the market.

  • Fabric Choice: The fabric of your sheets plays a pivotal role in how well they regulate your body temperature. Natural fibers like cotton and linen are excellent choices for bed sheets for summer. Cotton is breathable and moisture-wicking, allowing sweat to evaporate quickly, while linen is known for its exceptional breathability and ability to keep you cool by allowing air to circulate.
  • Thread Count: Contrary to popular belief, higher thread count doesn't always equate to better quality in hot weather. A lower thread count (around 200-400) can actually be more breathable and comfortable, as it allows for better air circulation and heat dissipation. Kitelinens are designed with a 300-thread count for this exact reason!
  • Weave Type: Percale and sateen are two common weave types. Percale has a crisp, cool feel due to its tight weave, making it suitable for hot months. Sateen, on the other hand, has a slightly glossy finish and a smoother feel, but it may retain more heat than percale.
  • Color Selection: Lighter colors reflect heat better than darker ones. Opt for white, pastels, or other light shades to help keep your sheets and sleeping environment cooler. Kitelinens Stay-Tucked Sheets come in a variety of sizes and colors, including light options like white and gray.
  • Moisture-Wicking Properties: If you can find sheets that advertise moisture-wicking properties, these are designed to pull moisture away from your body, helping you stay dry and comfortable throughout the night. However, cotton sheets work just the same as they are naturally moisture-wicking.

Various Types of Bed Sheets for Summer

There are so many types of sheets out there, so we wanted to make it easy for you to choose your sheets by providing you a list of options, and our go-to recommendation ;)
  • Cotton Sheets: As mentioned earlier, cotton is a classic choice for summer sheets. Our recommendation stops at Kitelinens Stay-Tucked Sheets, designed with 100% cotton, giving you that smooth, soft and moisture-wicking benefit.
  • Linen Sheets: Linen is another light fabric, known for its exceptional breathability and natural cooling properties. Linen sheets have an airy texture that allows for excellent airflow, however, are often wrinkly when used and can be rough to the touch.
  • Bamboo Sheets: Bamboo-derived fabrics, like bamboo viscose or bamboo lyocell, are moisture-wicking and offer natural temperature regulation. These sheets are also environmentally friendly, as bamboo is a sustainable resource. The pitfall with bamboo, however, is the cost. These tend to be your highest priced sheets as sourcing bamboo is a costly process.  
  • Microfiber Sheets: While not a natural fiber and thus do not promote moisture-wicking properties, microfiber sheets can be a budget-friendly option for hot nights.

In conclusion, selecting the best bed sheets for summer heat is crucial for achieving a restful and comfortable sleep. Natural fibers like cotton and linen, with lower thread counts and breathable weaves, are often the best choices. By considering factors such as fabric type, weave, thread count, and color, you can make an informed decision to ensure that your sleep remains cool and revitalizing throughout the hot months. At Kitelinens, we believe a good night's sleep is not only essential for your physical well-being but also for your overall quality of life. Give yourself the opportunity to try these one of a kind bed sheets for summer.

Use code 10-OFF for 10% off your first set of Kitelinens Stay-Tucked Sheets
