Want to know how to keep the sheets on the bed? Our blog's got all the ways to get a great night's sleep covered! RSS

The Best Bed Sheets for Summer Heat: A Guide to Cool and Comfortable Sleep

Table of Contents The Evolutions of Bedding Factors to Consider When Buying the Best Bed Sheets for Summer Various Types of Bed Sheets for Summer The Evolution of Bedding Summer heat envelops the world in its warm embrace, bringing both delight and discomfort. As the sun's intensity rises, outdoor adventures beckon, while the air shimmers with waves of heat. While beaches and cool treats offer respite, the sweltering temperatures of summer remind us to stay hydrated and seek shade, embracing the season's energy and taking caution against its sizzling touch. And, as we all know, the summer heat can often make getting a good night's sleep a challenge. One of the essential factors in ensuring a restful slumber during the...

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Useful Gifts for New Homeowners in 2023

As of 2023, there are approximately 55 million homeowners in the United States. This number is projected to increase by 2-3% in the coming years as more and more people are able to purchase homes. Homeownership has been a part of the American Dream for generations, and this trend isn't likely to change anytime soon. Factors such as increased access to lending, a booming economy, and a strong job market all contribute to the increase in homeownership. But what else increases when the rate of homeownership increases?...responsibilities of ownership! Owning a home is a significant milestone and comes with a range of responsibilities. Beyond the financial commitment, being a homeowner requires ongoing maintenance, organization, and a sense of accountability. Let's...

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King Size Fitted Sheets That Stay On

Buying a bed for the first time is one of those experiences that they don’t really teach you about. It’s similar to the first time you have to write a check, or doing your own laundry when Mom or Dad finally decides you’re old enough to know. Although we are arguably old enough to know, why hadn’t we gotten any courses or training on things to look for or things to consider when doing any of these tasks? When I bought my first bed at the age of ~25 (wild, I know. But until then, I just kept sleeping on whatever Mom and Dad gave me in college – a Twin size –  and then eventually “upgraded” to whatever extra...

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Innovative Sleep Products for 2023

We all can agree that getting a good night's sleep feels amazing. But, were you aware that sleep is essential for overall health and well-being? Our assumption is that you have a general sense of how important sleep is, but what you might not know is how many different sleep products exist to help us sleep better. As technology continues to advance, so does the realm of these products. We took a look into the world of innovative sleep products to answer this question for you…and here’s what we found! In 2023, we witnessed an array of products that promise to enhance our sleep quality and revolutionize our bedtime routines. From smart mattresses to intelligent sleep trackers, the market is brimming...

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How to Stop Tossing and Turning at Night While Sleeping

A good night's sleep is essential for our overall well-being and productivity. However, many of us find ourselves tossing and turning throughout the night, unable to find a comfortable sleeping position. This can leave us feeling groggy and unrested the next day, affecting our mood and performance.But what if there was a simple solution to this common problem, and we could finally stop tossing and turning in our beds? Kitelinens, the new revolutionary bed sheet company, has designed sheets that never fall off, ensuring you stay comfortable all night long. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of tossing and turning, and with Kitelinens help, how to stop tossing and turning at night, allowing you to achieve a...

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